A child or teenager is ill, or a parent is ill.
Once keeping up with their schooling becomes increasingly difficult, putting students at risk of dropping out, the Centre d’Appui Scolaire jumps into action by providing tailored support to students and their families.

Doctors or medical staff get in touch with the Association.
Doctors or medical staff get in touch with the Association.
The Director of the Centre processes each request as quickly as possible in order to get the tuition on track.

The Director of the Centre meets the student, the family and medical staff.
This first meeting allows the families to discover more about the Association and an assessment of the situation takes place in order to organise the tuition programme in accordance with the specific needs of the student. As a next step, the Director determines which subjects are to be taught, how many hours and classes will be needed, and how long the tuition programme will last. In doing so, the Director takes into account the specific student’s availability depending on his/her medical treatment.

Tuition classes start.
After the first classes have taken place and with the family’s permission, the Director contacts the student’s school to coordinate the programme with the student’s regular teachers.
At the end of every month, the student’s tutors compile a teaching report to inform the Director about their work with the students and possible difficulties. Those reports are confidential and can only be viewed by doctors and the families themselves. They are the basis of constructive collaboration between the teaching and medical professionals involved.
The tutors also meet regularly with the Director to discuss the progress of the tuition programme.

The student gets back on track.
Tuition does not stop immediately after the student recovers and goes back to school: it can continue for a short period to support students on their path towards greater independence and self-confidence.

End of tuition.
When the Centre d’Appui Scolaire’s support ends, a final meeting is convened with the family and the student. This is an opportunity to take stock of the tuition provided and to assess whether the goals set at the beginning were achieved. The students are then asked to fill in a feedback form.
« uition starts very quickly. Exchanges about the problem, the goals and the school programme of our patients help us integrate the tuition programme into the therapy in a meaningful way.»
«The possibility to continue tuition after the patient is discharged from hospital is extremely important. You have to keep in mind that at present there is no such offer for children suffering from epilepsy in Switzerland.»
«Thanks to the support of your association, our daughter could continue studying at home. When it came to setting the class schedule, the tutors take medical appointments into account. »
« Until today, there is no other institution in Geneva offering these services. The feedback provided to our psychologists and the monthly teaching reports that we receive from the teachers at the Centre d’Appui Scolaire are very useful.»
“À cause de sa maladie, mon fils a manqué l’école pendant une année entière. Lorsqu’il a pu commencer à retourner au Cycle, l’aide des enseignants du Centre d’Appui Scolaire lui a permis de repartir sur de bonnes bases. En quelques mois, il est passé du niveau R1 à R2, puis R3!”